Module tvbrowser
Package devplugin

Class PluginCenterPanelWrapper

  • public abstract class PluginCenterPanelWrapper
    extends java.lang.Object
    A class that is used to support the adding of panels in the center window of TV-Browser. Create an instance of this interface to use it for your Plugin.
    René Mach
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void filterSelected​(ProgramFilter filter)
      Informs this wrapper about a changing of the used program filter of the TV-Browser program table.
      abstract PluginCenterPanel[] getCenterPanels()
      Gets the PluginCenterPanel that should be available for your Plugin.
      void programScrolled​(Program prog)
      Informs this wrapper about a program scrolling of the TV-Browser program table.
      void programSelected​(Program prog)
      Informs this wrapper about a program selection of the TV-Browser program table.
      void scrolledToChannel​(Channel channel)
      Informs this wrapper about a changing of the selected channel in the TV-Browser program table.
      void scrolledToDate​(Date date)
      Informs this wrapper about a changing of the selected date of the TV-Browser program table.
      void scrolledToNow()
      Informs this wrapper about a scrolling to now in the TV-Browser program table.
      void scrolledToTime​(int time)
      Informs this wrapper about a changing of the selected time of the TV-Browser program table.
      void timeEvent()
      Informs this wrapper about a time event.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginCenterPanelWrapper

        public PluginCenterPanelWrapper()
    • Method Detail

      • getCenterPanels

        public abstract PluginCenterPanel[] getCenterPanels()
        Gets the PluginCenterPanel that should be available for your Plugin.

        The available PluginCenterPanel
      • programSelected

        public void programSelected​(Program prog)
        Informs this wrapper about a program selection of the TV-Browser program table.

        prog - The selected program.
      • programScrolled

        public void programScrolled​(Program prog)
        Informs this wrapper about a program scrolling of the TV-Browser program table.

        prog - The program to scroll to.
      • filterSelected

        public void filterSelected​(ProgramFilter filter)
        Informs this wrapper about a changing of the used program filter of the TV-Browser program table.

        filter - The new selected filter.
      • scrolledToChannel

        public void scrolledToChannel​(Channel channel)
        Informs this wrapper about a changing of the selected channel in the TV-Browser program table.

        channel - The new selected channel.
      • scrolledToDate

        public void scrolledToDate​(Date date)
        Informs this wrapper about a changing of the selected date of the TV-Browser program table.

        date - The new selected date.
      • scrolledToTime

        public void scrolledToTime​(int time)
        Informs this wrapper about a changing of the selected time of the TV-Browser program table.

        time - The new selected time-
      • scrolledToNow

        public void scrolledToNow()
        Informs this wrapper about a scrolling to now in the TV-Browser program table.
      • timeEvent

        public void timeEvent()
        Informs this wrapper about a time event. (It is triggered by the program table of TV-Browser, normally every minute one time.)