Module tvbrowser

Class ProgramDispatcher

  • public class ProgramDispatcher
    extends java.lang.Object
    You can pass Program objects to this dispatcher and it will put it in the right AbstractChannelDayProgram.

    After passing all programs to the dispatcher you can request the AbstractChannelDayPrograms.

    Til Schneider,
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProgramDispatcher

        public ProgramDispatcher()
        Creates a new instance of ProgramDispatcher.
    • Method Detail

      • dispatch

        public void dispatch​(Program program)
        Dispatches the specified program to the right ChannelDayProgram.

        If there is no such ChannelDayProgram, it will be created.

        program - The program to dispatch
      • getChannelDayProgram

        public MutableChannelDayProgram getChannelDayProgram​(Date date,
                                                             Channel channel)
        Gets the ChannelDayProgram of the specified date and channel.
        date - The date of the wanted ChannelDayProgram.
        channel - The channel of the wanted ChannelDayProgram.
        The ChannelDayProgram of the specified date and channel.