TV-Browser 3.3.3 API

Class TvBrowserException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by util.exc.TvBrowserException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TvBrowserException
extends java.lang.Exception

The base exception used within the TV-Browser. It supports internationalization and should be the only exception thrown by methods of the TV-Browser or its plugins.

Til Schneider,
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Object msgArg1)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Object[] msgArgs)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Object[] msgArgs, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Object msgArg1, java.lang.Object msgArg2)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Object msgArg1, java.lang.Object msgArg2, java.lang.Object msgArg3)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Object msgArg1, java.lang.Object msgArg2, java.lang.Object msgArg3, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Object msgArg1, java.lang.Object msgArg2, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Object msgArg1, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass, java.lang.String msgKey, java.lang.String defaultMsg, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage()
          Gets the localized message of this exception.
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Gets the error message.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg1)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
msgArg1 - The argument that should replace {0}.


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg1,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg2)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
msgArg1 - The argument that should replace {0}.
msgArg2 - The argument that should replace {1}.


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg1,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg2,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg3)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
msgArg1 - The argument that should replace {0}.
msgArg2 - The argument that should replace {1}.
msgArg3 - The argument that should replace {2}.


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Object[] msgArgs)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
msgArgs - The arguments that should replace the appropriate place holder. See MessageFormat for details.


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
cause - The exception that causes this exception. (nested exception).


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg1,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
msgArg1 - The argument that should replace {0}.
cause - The exception that causes this exception. (nested exception).


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg1,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg2,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
msgArg1 - The argument that should replace {0}.
msgArg2 - The argument that should replace {1}.
cause - The exception that causes this exception. (nested exception).


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg1,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg2,
                          java.lang.Object msgArg3,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
msgArg1 - The argument that should replace {0}.
msgArg2 - The argument that should replace {1}.
msgArg3 - The argument that should replace {2}.
cause - The exception that causes this exception. (nested exception).


public TvBrowserException(java.lang.Class msgClass,
                          java.lang.String msgKey,
                          java.lang.String defaultMsg,
                          java.lang.Object[] msgArgs,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
Creates a new instance of TvBrowserException.

msgClass - The class whichs localizer should be used to get the localized error message.
msgKey - The key of the error message.
defaultMsg - The deafault error message (english).
msgArgs - The arguments that should replace the appropriate place holder. See MessageFormat for details.
cause - The exception that causes this exception. (nested exception).
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getMessage()
Gets the error message. (NOT localized!)

getMessage in class java.lang.Throwable
the error message. (NOT localized!)


public java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage()
Gets the localized message of this exception.

getLocalizedMessage in class java.lang.Throwable
the localized message.

TV-Browser 3.3.3 API

TV-Browser 3.3.3, Copyright (C) 2004-2008 TV-Browser Team (