Module tvbrowser
Package util.settings

Class ProgramPanelSettings

  • public class ProgramPanelSettings
    extends java.lang.Object
    A class that contains setting values for the program panel.
    René Mach
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, int axis)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, java.lang.String[] pluginIds)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, java.lang.String[] pluginIds, boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, java.lang.String[] pluginIds, boolean ignoreProgramImportance, boolean showPictureBorder)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, java.lang.String[] pluginIds, int axis)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, java.lang.String[] pluginIds, int axis, boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, java.lang.String[] pluginIds, int axis, boolean ignoreProgramImportance, boolean showPictureBorder)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(int type, int timeRangeStart, int timeRangeEnd, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean showDescription, int duration, java.lang.String[] pluginIds, int axis, boolean ignoreProgramImportance, boolean showPictureBorder, boolean showChannelLogo)
      Creates an instance of this class.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle)
      Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
      Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, boolean ignoreProgramImportance, boolean showPictureBorder)
      Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, int axis)
      Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, int axis, boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
      Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, int axis, boolean ignoreProgramImportance, boolean showPictureBorder)
      Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
      ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings, boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle, int axis, boolean ignoreProgramImportance, boolean showPictureBorder, boolean showChannelLogo)
      Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int SHOW_PICTURES_NEVER
        Show the pictures never
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SHOW_PICTURES_EVER
        Always show the pictures
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SHOW_PICTURES_IN_TIME_RANGE
        Show the pictures in time range
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SHOW_PICTURES_FOR_PLUGINS
        Show the pictures for selected plugins
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SHOW_PICTURES_FOR_DURATION
        Show the pictures for programs with selected duration
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SHOW_PICTURES_FOR_FILTER
        Show the pictures for programs that are accepted by the picture filter
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SHOW_CHANNEL_LOGO_PLUGINS_CONTROL
        Channel logo is shown for program panels a plugin has set
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SHOW_CHANNEL_LOGO_NEVER
        Channel logo is never shown for any program panels
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • X_AXIS

        public static final int X_AXIS
        Orientation Progressbar in X_AXIS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • Y_AXIS

        public static final int Y_AXIS
        Orientation Progressbar in Y_AXIS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    int axis)
        Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
        settings - The PluginPictureSettings to be used.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        axis - The axis for the ProgramPanel.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    int axis,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance,
                                    boolean showPictureBorder)
        Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
        settings - The PluginPictureSettings to be used.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        axis - The axis for the ProgramPanel.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
        showPictureBorder - If the picture border should be shown.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    int axis,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance,
                                    boolean showPictureBorder,
                                    boolean showChannelLogo)
        Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
        settings - The PluginPictureSettings to be used.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        axis - The axis for the ProgramPanel.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
        showPictureBorder - If the picture border should be shown.
        showChannelLogo - If the channel logo should be shown.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    int axis,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
        Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
        settings - The PluginPictureSettings to be used.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        axis - The axis for the ProgramPanel.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle)
        Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
        settings - The PluginPictureSettings to be used.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance,
                                    boolean showPictureBorder)
        Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
        settings - The PluginPictureSettings to be used.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
        showPictureBorder - If the picture border should be shown.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(PluginPictureSettings settings,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
        Creates an instance of this class with the given values.
        settings - The PluginPictureSettings to be used.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    int axis)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
        axis - The axis for the progress bar of the program panel.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    java.lang.String[] pluginIds)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        pluginIds - The ids of the plugins to show the pictures for.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    java.lang.String[] pluginIds,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance,
                                    boolean showPictureBorder)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        pluginIds - The ids of the plugins to show the pictures for.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
        showPictureBorder - If the picture border should be shown.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    java.lang.String[] pluginIds,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        pluginIds - The ids of the plugins to show the pictures for.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    java.lang.String[] pluginIds,
                                    int axis)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        pluginIds - The ids of the plugins to show the pictures for.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
        axis - The axis for the progress bar of the program panel.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    java.lang.String[] pluginIds,
                                    int axis,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        pluginIds - The ids of the plugins to show the pictures for.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
        axis - The axis for the progress bar of the program panel.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    java.lang.String[] pluginIds,
                                    int axis,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance,
                                    boolean showPictureBorder)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        pluginIds - The ids of the plugins to show the pictures for.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
        axis - The axis for the progress bar of the program panel.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
        showPictureBorder - If the border around the pictures should be painted.
      • ProgramPanelSettings

        public ProgramPanelSettings​(int type,
                                    int timeRangeStart,
                                    int timeRangeEnd,
                                    boolean showOnlyDateAndTitle,
                                    boolean showDescription,
                                    int duration,
                                    java.lang.String[] pluginIds,
                                    int axis,
                                    boolean ignoreProgramImportance,
                                    boolean showPictureBorder,
                                    boolean showChannelLogo)
        Creates an instance of this class.
        type - The picture showing type.
        timeRangeStart - The time range start time.
        timeRangeEnd - The time range end time.
        showOnlyDateAndTitle - If the program panel should only contain date and title.
        showDescription - If the picture description should be shown.
        pluginIds - The ids of the plugins to show the pictures for.
        duration - The minimum duration of the programs the pictures should be shown for.
        axis - The axis for the progress bar of the program panel.
        ignoreProgramImportance - If the program importance should be ignored.
        showPictureBorder - If the border around the pictures should be painted.
        showChannelLogo - If the channel logo should be shown.
    • Method Detail

      • getShowOnlyDateAndTitleSettings

        public static ProgramPanelSettings getShowOnlyDateAndTitleSettings()
        Get ProgramPanelSettings that will only allow showing of date and title.

        ProgramPanelSettings that will only allow showing of date and title.
      • isShowingPictureInTimeRange

        public boolean isShowingPictureInTimeRange()
        If the type of the picture showing is set to show pictures in time range.
      • isShowingPictureEver

        public boolean isShowingPictureEver()
        If the type of the picture showing is set to show picture always.
      • isShowingPictureNever

        public boolean isShowingPictureNever()
        If the type of the picture showing is set to show picture never.
      • isShowingPictureForFilter

        public boolean isShowingPictureForFilter()
        If the type of the picture showing is set to show picture for filter.
      • isShowingPictureForPlugins

        public boolean isShowingPictureForPlugins()
        If the type of the picture showing is set to show picture for plugins.
      • isShowingPictureForDuration

        public boolean isShowingPictureForDuration()
        True if the type of the picture showing is set to show picture for duration.
      • isShowingOnlyDateAndTitle

        public boolean isShowingOnlyDateAndTitle()
        If the program panel should only contain date and title.
      • isShowingPictureDescription

        public boolean isShowingPictureDescription()
        If the picture description should be shown.
      • getPictureShowingType

        public int getPictureShowingType()
        The type of the picture showing.
      • getPictureTimeRangeStart

        public int getPictureTimeRangeStart()
        The time range start time.
      • getPictureTimeRangeEnd

        public int getPictureTimeRangeEnd()
        The time range end time.
      • getDuration

        public int getDuration()
        The duration value
      • getPluginIds

        public java.lang.String[] getPluginIds()
        The plugin ids to show the pictures for.
      • typeContainsType

        public static boolean typeContainsType​(int typeToCheck,
                                               int containingType)
        Checks if a given type to check contains a type.
        typeToCheck - The type to check.
        containingType - The type to which should the typeToCheck is to check for.
        True if the typeToCheck contains the containingType
      • getAxis

        public int getAxis()
        Gets the axis for the ProgramPanel.
        The axis for the ProgramPanel.
      • setShowOnlyDateAndTitle

        public void setShowOnlyDateAndTitle​(boolean value)
        Sets the value for the only date and title flag.

        value - The new value for the only date and tilte flag.
      • isIgnoringProgramImportance

        public boolean isIgnoringProgramImportance()
        Gets if the program importance should be ignored.

        If the program importance should be ignored.
      • isShowingPictureBorder

        public boolean isShowingPictureBorder()
        Gets if the picture border should be painted.

        If the picture border should be painted.
      • isShowingChannelLogo

        public boolean isShowingChannelLogo()
        Gets if the channel logog should be shown in front of the time.

        If the channel logo should be shown in front of the time.