Module tvbrowser
Package util.ui

Class CaretPositionCorrector

  • public class CaretPositionCorrector
    extends java.lang.Object
    A class for correction of the caret position of a JFormattedTextField.
    René Mach
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void createCorrector​(javax.swing.JFormattedTextField field, char[] jumpCharacters, char startIndexChar)
      Creates an instance of the JSpinnerCaretPositionCorrector.
      static void createCorrector​(javax.swing.JFormattedTextField field, char[] jumpCharacters, int startPosition)
      Creates an instance of the JSpinnerCaretPositionCorrector.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • createCorrector

        public static void createCorrector​(javax.swing.JFormattedTextField field,
                                           char[] jumpCharacters,
                                           char startIndexChar)
        Creates an instance of the JSpinnerCaretPositionCorrector. Use null for jumpCharacters if you only want to let the position set to the click position.
        field - The JFormattedTextField to correct the caret position of.
        jumpCharacters - The character to jump from if the caret is in front of it.
        startIndexChar - The character that is used to find the start position of the caret.
      • createCorrector

        public static void createCorrector​(javax.swing.JFormattedTextField field,
                                           char[] jumpCharacters,
                                           int startPosition)
        Creates an instance of the JSpinnerCaretPositionCorrector. Use null for jumpCharacters if you only want to let the position set to the click position.
        field - The JFormattedTextField to correct the caret position of.
        jumpCharacters - The character to jump from if the caret is in front of it.
        startPosition - The start position for the caret.