Module tvbrowser
Package util.ui
Interface Summary Interface Description ListDropAction<T> A interface for the drop action of JLists.ObjectSelectionListener<E> A listener that informs about selection events of Objects.ProgramGetter An functional interface to use for getting programs for an index.WindowClosingIf The Interface for easy closing Windows with Escape key. -
Class Summary Class Description AlphaColorChooser A Color chooser with Alpha-SelectionAutoCompletion<E> CaretPositionCorrector A class for correction of the caret position of a JFormattedTextField.ChannelChooserDlg The ChannelChooserDlg class provides a Dialog for choosing channels.ChannelContextMenu A class that builds a PopupMenu for a Channel.ChannelLabel A Label for Channels.ChannelListCellRenderer A ListCellRenderer for Channel-ListsChannelTableCellRenderer A Channel-TableCellRendererColorButton This is a Button that allows the selection of a ColorCreditsScrollerPanel A scrolling panel for creditsCustomComboBoxRenderer DefaultMarkingPrioritySelectionPanel A class that is a panel that allows selection of the mark priority for programs.DefaultProgramImportanceSelectionPanel A class that is a panel that allows selection of the program importance.DirectoryChooserPanel DisclosureTriangle Disclosure triangle container.DontShowAgainMessageBox This class offers a messagebox that shows a dialog with a checkbox to disable the dialogDontShowAgainOptionBox This class offers an option box that shows a dialog with a checkbox to disable the dialogDragAndDropMouseListener<E> This class implements a MouseListener for DnD in JLists.EnhancedPanelBuilder Panel builder with additional methods for typical TV-Browser UI (e.g. settings tab).
When using this class, you should normally useEnhancedPanelBuilder.addParagraph(String)
to add a section to your settings tab and afterwards useEnhancedPanelBuilder.addRow()
to add standard controls into the section.ExecuteSettingsDialog The Dialog for the Settings of the executableExtensionFileFilter A file filter that allows to specify a set of extension for determining, whether a file should be shown.FileCheckBox This class provides a new JComponent containing three components: JCheckBox, JTextField and JButtonFilterableProgramListPanel A JPanel with a program list with filter selection.FixedSizeIcon An icon having a fixed size.FontChooserPanel GridFlowLayout HelpDialog A help dialog which is able to show HTML pages that are located in a jar file.HelpDialog.HistoryStackElement ImageIconEnhanced A class for drawing icons with better interpolation.ImageUtilities Provides utilities for images.LazyImageIcon LineComponent Draws a LineLineNumberHeader Adds Line-Numbes to JTextAreas Example:JTextArea area = new JTextArea(); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(area); LineNumberHeader header = new LineNumberHeader(area); scrollPane.setRowHeaderView(header);
LinkButton A Button for Web-LinksListDragAndDropHandler A class for DnD in JLists and between two of them.Localizer Deprecated. since 4.2.2 use {@link #util.i18n.Localizer} instead.LocalPluginProgramFormatingSettingsDialog A settings dialog for the program configuration.MarkerChooserDlg The PluginChooserDlg class provides a Dialog for choosing plugins.MarkPriorityComboBoxRenderer A renderer class for the mark priority selection combo box.MultipleFieldReader Reads the values of multiple fields of a program.NullProgressMonitor ObjectSelectionButton<E> A Button with an attached dialog to select Objects.OrderChooser<E> OverlayListener A OverlayListener This Class shows partially visible JTree Nodes in a GlassPane.PictureAreaIcon A class for painting a picture with copyright and description info.PluginChooserDlg The PluginChooserDlg class provides a Dialog for choosing plugins.PluginProgramConfigurationPanel A class that provides a panel for configuration of the supported program formatings of a plugin.PluginsPictureSettingsPanel A settings panel for the setup of the plugins picture settings.PooledLocalizer Deprecated. since 4.2.2 use {@link #util.i18n.PooledLocalizer} instead.PopupButton This is a Button that has a popup click filter.ProgramList This Class extends a JList for showing ProgramsProgramListCellRenderer A list cell renderer that renders Programs.ProgramPanel A ProgramPanel is a JComponent representing a single program.ProgramRangeSelectionPanel A class for selection of a program range.ProgramReceiveTargetSelectionPanel A default panel component to select the receive targets for sending programs to plugins.ProgramTableCellRenderer CellRenderer for Program in TableScrollableJPanel A JPanel that can be scrolled vertcal if contained in a JScrollPane.ScrollableMenu An implementation of a scrollable menu -- a popup window containingJMenuItem
s that is displayed when the user selects an item on theJMenuBar
.SearchForm A search form for searching TV listings.SearchFormSettings Settings for the SearchFormSearchHelper This Class helps to search for a Program.SendToPluginDialog Ein Dialog, der es erlaubt, Programme an andere Plugins weiter zu reichenSingleAndDoubleClickTreeUI A tree UI that expands paths for single and double click, but collapse paths only if current path is selected for single click or always for double click.TabLayout A layout similar to theGridLayout
, whose column widths and row heights can variate. so a column with only narrow components is narrower than one with large components.TabListenerPanel A JPanel implementing TabListener to support focus for the given default component, when tab is opened.TextAreaIcon An icon that displays multiline text.TimeFormatter Formats a Time to a String.TimePeriodChooser ToolTipWithIcon TransferEntries The TransferEntries for JList Drag'n'Drop.TransferProgram A class for Drag'n'Drop of Programs.TVBrowserIcons common icons in TV-BrowserUIThreadRunner run the given runnables always in the UI thread, regardless of calling threadUiUtilities Provides utilities for UI stuff.WideComboBox<E> WrapperFilter Wrapper for program filter that shows if filter contains broken channel filter components.